Privacy Policy

  • Data Collection: 
    Alkhidmat Fundraising platform collects user data strictly for fundraising purposes, including but not limited to name, contact information, and donation history.
  • Purpose of Data:
    ​The collected data is utilized solely for fundraising activities, donor engagement, and platform improvement to serve our charitable causes better.
  • Consent:
    By using our platform, users provide consent for the collection, processing, and storage of their data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.
  • Security Measures:
    We employ industry-standard security protocols and encryption methods to protect user data from unauthorized access, ensuring the highest level of security.
  • Data Sharing:
    Alkhidmat Fundraising platform does not share personal information with third parties without explicit consent, except where required by law and donation purposes.
  • Data Retention:
    User data is retained only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy or as required by law.
  • Individual Rights:
    Users have the right to access, update, correct, or delete their personal information stored on our platform, and to withdraw consent for data processing.
  • Reporting Data Breaches:
    We are committed to promptly reporting any data breaches or security incidents to the appropriate authorities and affected users in accordance with legal requirements.
  • Compliance:
    Alkhidmat Fundraising platform complies with all applicable data protection laws and regulations governing the collection, processing, and storage of user data.
  • Contact Information:
    Users can contact us through the provided channels for inquiries, requests, or concerns regarding their privacy and data protection.
  • Updates of Data:
    Users have the option to update their personal information on our platform to ensure its accuracy and completeness.
  • Accountability of Data:
    We hold ourselves accountable for the secure handling, processing, and protection of user data in line with our Privacy Policy and legal obligations